Saturday, October 13, 2007

Dillon The day before His Fight Home

Hmmm.... let's check out this couch...
Anything interesting in here?
Side view of Beautiful Dillon
Ok... Ok... I'll look at you...
Yes I know I'm
Virgin Islands Here I come... "say's Dillon"

After waiting and waiting for the weather to break... Dillon is flying to his new home in the U.S. Virgin Islands.

Life is a journey... enjoy the trip... Mary E. Robbins and the Hairballs
Robbins Run Ranch: Living the Dream with our Pomeranians

Thursday, September 13, 2007

Beautiful Black Parti Pomeranians

Sorry Folks: Not Available

Friday, August 03, 2007

What you feed your pet does matter!

Today I'm rambling on about dog food.

For the Health of your Pet it is very important that they have good nutrition! Do you actually know what you are feeding your precious pet?

Read the ingredients listed on your dog food bag or can. OK, you've read them. Do you know what they mean?

Most people have no idea what that ingredient list actually means. If they did they would cringe.I know how frustrating it can be trying to sort through all the jargon to see what is actually in your pet's food.

OK so here is where this is going to start sounding like an advertisement. Bear with me OK. There is some excellent information on this site whether you buy the food or not. Personally I think the food is some of the best out there. That's why I feed it to my Pomeranians and recommend it. Yes it's good for large dogs, and they have a wonderful cat food as well.

That said click on the banner and go to my website.
You will see "recommended dog food" in the menu bar as well as a large recommended dog food banner on the page.

Use either link and check out the food and information available. If you like videos there is a great video you can watch (no it doesn't cost anything to watch it) . It's very informative, not overly long, and not too

Good nutrition is extremely important for your pet. Even more so, if you are considering breeding. I can not stress this enough!

For a healthy happy pet good nutrition is paramount! So many health issues can be avoided simply by good nutrition. Of course, good nutrition is from what you feed your pet.

When you are breeding your dog poor nutrition can (and often does) result in the deaths of both puppies and mother dog.

Of course good nutrition comes at a price. Along with the price come the benefits, healthy pets, healthy breeding dogs, healthy puppies, a longer time to enjoy your furry family member. Yes I mean the four footed furry family members. Fewer trips to the veterinary, fewer vet bills, lower medical expenses.

If you offset the dog food cost against the pain and suffereing of your pet and the veterinary bills poor nutrition causes. The cost of good nutrition is nominal.

For the love of your pet, inform yourself.

Life is a journey... each day a new opportunity to learn... Mary E. Robbins & the Hairballs
307-788-0202 USA Mountain Time

Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Hot Day on the High Plains...

Sorry Folks: Not Available

Wow... can we say heat. It's yet another 100 plus degree day here today. Most of my hot hairballs are doing pretty well. It's pretty stressful on the elder group however. This afternoon I let the puppies out and about to play, after the worst of the heat of the day had passed. They had so much fun zipping about ... jumping in water pans ... and generally being happy little Pomeranians. I snapped quite a few pics while they were playing in their disarray... lol... They are truly happy little dogs.

There are a couple hundred pics to enjoy in the Puppies at Play: Hot day on the high plains july 18 2007 album . You can also find it embedded in the right column just under Mini & Tillie's picture... enjoy...

Life is a journey... enjoy the trip. ..Mary E. Robbins & the Hairballs

Wednesday, July 04, 2007

Still grooming... in the middle of a hair storm... lol...

I am still grooming Poms as fast as I can. Hair flying everywhere. I started doing something I said I would never do. I started doing summer cuts on the hairballs. Makes me laugh when I look at them prancing around in their summer cuts. They look so happy it just makes me giggle. I want to get some photos of their new hairdos taken and posted. These dogs are just too funny.
Their undercoats are so heavy that they are walking around in the equivalent of a heavy down filled coat in 100 degree temps.
Happily some are blowing their coats of by themselves, so those will only need a basic brush-up, deworm and toe nail trim… I’ll probably do a bit of a hair trim too… that’s what I have been doing.
I'm throwing up some larger yards. Not the 1/2 acre to 1 acre running yards that I wanted. They will have to come later. but some larger yards that have shade trees either around them or in them. I am also separating my girls from the guys after this breeding cycle. Giving everyone a break.
There is a group of young males that is going into the vet for neuter as well. Beautiful fellows... or should I say handsome... At any rate part of them will be my stud dogs companions and part will go into pet homes. Gorgeous guys. Wow. I know that sounds like an advertisement. I suppose it could be, but in truth they are a pleasure to look at. I would love to put some into agility. That would be a blast. Maybe after I get things caught up more.
The past few years of illness has put me so far behind where I had wanted to be at this point that it's a bit frustrating. I am concentrating on working with my kennels and online projects till I have things caught up and in a much more organized state.
I am looking forward to starting on the ... guess you could call them cabins. The plan is to have temp controlled vent fans and solar heat. I imagine the designs will change a bit as I progress with them. It seems like my mind has run through hundreds of designs at this point.. it just keeps working on it while I'm doing other things. Tweaking things...
Peanut is sound asleep on his back in my shredder tub... the shredder tub is a 22 gallon Rubbermaid tub my shredded paper drops into. it's full of shreds and he is taking advantage of it. too cute.. of course my camera is in the whelping house.
hairballs are calling...
Life is a journey... Mary E. Robbins & the Hairballs

Friday, June 15, 2007

Patty & Bobby's Adorable Puppies

Sorry Folks: Not Available

Patty and Bobby are their parents
Click Here For Additional Information:
These Photos were taken on June 15 2007.
Click on the photo and it will enlarge.
This Beautiful Litter was born April 7th, 2007.
There are 4 wonderful puppies in this litter.
One Black Parti Girl
One Cream Sable Parti Boy
One Cream Sable Parti Girl
One Black Boy
They are 9 weeks & 6 days old in the following photos.
Life is a journey... Enjoy the Trip... Mary E. Robbins & the
307-788-0202 MST
Click on the Photos to Enlarge
Right Click on Photos to Open in a New Window

Patty and Bobby are their parents
These Photos were taken on May 03 2007.
Click on the photo and it will enlarge
This Beautiful Litter was born April 7th, 2007.
There are 4 wonderful puppies in this litter.
One Black Parti Gir
One Cream Sable Parti Boy
One Cream Sable Parti Girl
One Black Boy
They are 3 weeks a& 5 days old in the following photos.
Life is a journey... Enjoy the Trip... Mary E. Robbins & the Hairballs
307-788-0202 MST

Click on the Photos to Enlarge
Right Click on Photos to Open in a New Window

Patty & Bobby's Tiny Black Parti Girl

Patty & Bobby's Cream Sable Parti Boy

Patty & Bobby's Little Cream Sable Parti Girl

Patty & Rosco's Sweet Black Boy

Life is a Journey... Enjoy the Trip... Mary E. Robbins & the Hairballs
Robbins Run Ranch:
Living the Dream With Our Pomeranians
