The wind was blowing like crazy the afternoon I took these photos... Blowing their hair every which way... and whipping tumbleweeds across the place... I took my camera and snapped away... this is what they look like on a windy day... unretouched... unedited... with wind...weeds blowing about... and the yard obviously needing raked... in other words ... just as they were ... 1. Smiley... such a beautiful boy
2. Junior (orange sable parti boy) near bottom of photo... Smiley (cream parti boy) near top of photo
3. The Happy Hairball Smiley all the way to the left of the row of hairballs (alias Pomeranians) Junior between the 2 black parti boys... the Black parti boy between Smiley and Junior is Junior's full brother
4. Smiley... Black Parti Boy.... Junior
5. Smiley towards the top
6. Smiley is towards the top of the photo... George is the little Cream Sable fellow towards the bottom... he is such a reserved little guy... neither Smiley nor Junior have a reserved bone in their no one is a stranger in their eyes...
7. Junior... georgeous orange sable parti boy
8. Junior...his brother... and a pal
10. Junior...Smiley...
11. Smiley side view near the bottom of the photo
12. Happy hairball Crew... Smiley on the left ...I love the beautiful Black Parti boys as well... they are just georgous... but of course I would think
13. Smiley in the corner... Junior behind the tumbleweed
14. Smiley
15. Left to right: sable parti pal... Junior's black parti brother...
16. parti boy
17. Smiley side view
Life is a Journey... Enjoy the Trip... Mary E. Robbins & the Hairballs
Robbins Run Ranch:
Living the Dream With Our Pomeranians